Key Active Ingredients
Pre-Workout Hers
Guarana is derived from a plant used medicinally by Amazonian tribes for centuries. Benefits include reducing fatigue, boosting brain health, and protecting the heart.
Beta Alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that has been shown to aid recovery and performance and reduce oxidative stress to the body.
L Citruline is a naturally occurring amino acid that is shown to have anti oxidant properties and may aid physical performance.
Hormonal Support
DIM (Diindolylmethane) Studies have shown Diindolylmethane may provide health benefits, including reducing the risk of certain types of cancer and supporting weight loss. Research has shown DIM helpful in balancing estrogen levels by stimulating 2-hydroxyestrone and reducing the effects of alpha-hydroxyestrone which has been linked to cancers including breast and uterine cancer. DIM has been shown to inhibit the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen.
L-theanine is an amino acid commonly found in tea leaves with anti oxidant properties. Studies have shown L-theanine to help with anxiety, stress, and reduce insomnia.